Getting started FAQ´s

Welcome to the EYHN Portal?

Welcome to the Techbrdige Girls (“TBG”) Administrators Guide to the Expanding Your Horizons Network (“EYHN”) Platform. TBG Administrators will have the opportunity to manage all accounts on the EYHN Platform. This guide is intended to be applicable after final execution of the contracting phase between TBG and the Event Hosting Organization and providing the link to registration.


What is My Dashboard?

Your Dashboard allows for quick navigation to every section of your EYH Platform. Click on the section cards to navigate to the selected tab.


What is My Profile?

This section displays your current profile details, including name, email, phone number, and address. As an Event Coordinator, you will have access to input your organization name and background.

You can edit any section in Profile Details. Click “Update Profile” to save your changes.


How can I change my password?

You can update your password in this tab. Insert your current password, then enter your new password and confirm. Make sure to follow the password requirements when entering your new password.

Click “Change Password” to apply changes.

Looking to learn more about Expanding Your Horizons? Click here.
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